7 Eylül 2007 Cuma

METU Plagiarism

Plagiarism (from Latin plagiare "to kidnap") is the practice of claiming, or implying, original authorship or incorporating material from someone else's written or creative work, in whole or in part, into one's own without adequate acknowledgement.
Okulumuzu hep iyi şeylerle anacak değiliz ya. Buyrun.
Dünyaca ünlü Nature dergisinde yayınlanan bir makaleden bölümler:
Turkish physicists face accusations of plagiarism
  • Almost 70 papers by 15 authors have been removed from the popular preprint server arXiv, where many physicists post their work, by the server's moderators. They allege that the papers plagiarize the works of others or contain inappropriate levels of overlap with earlier articles. This is probably the largest single incident of its sort ever seen on the server, according to physicist Paul Ginsparg of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and founder of arXiv. "What these guys did was way over the line," he says.
  • "We carried out a good collaboration," says Mustafa Salti, a graduate student at the Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara whose name is on 40 of the withdrawn papers. "Most of our papers have been published in the science citation index journals. Until now no one has claimed that we plagiarize."
  • The trouble began last November, when Salti and another graduate student, Oktay Aydogdu, underwent oral examinations for their PhDs. Although both had an extensive list of publications in gravitational physics, they struggled to answer even basic, high-school-level questions, according to Özgür Sariolu, an associate professor at METU. "They didn't know fundamental stuff like newtonian mechanics," he says.
  • Suspicious, one of Sariolu's colleagues, Aye Karasu, began to look through the duo's publication record. Using Google, she quickly turned up a paper from which it seemed the students had lifted several lengthy sections. By mid-February, faculty members had identified dozens of articles on arXiv that they say seemed to be partly or completely plagiarized.
Efendim iddialara göre bizim ODTÜ fizikteki bazı araştırma görevlileri, sağdan soldan toplayarak makaleler publish etmişler. Tübitak ve ODTÜ'den de iyi parasal destek almışlar. Sonra sözlü mülakatta lise seviyesinde bile fizik bilmedikleri anlaşılmış (burası bana biraz abartı geldi ya), profesörlerden biri bu makaleleri list eden arXiv'e haber vermiş. Sorgulama sonucunda kopya olduğu anlaşılan onlarca makale arşivden kaldırılmış.
Bakalım olayın devamı nasıl gelecek.

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el çektirilmişler ama iç mevzuat gereği bir ceza verilemeyecekmiş diye duydum.

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Adsız dedi ki...

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